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Taking Care of Your Skin While Wearing a Face Mask

Taking Care of Your Skin While Wearing a Face Mask

Wear a mask during covid can be problematic as it can lead to more moisture and oil accumulating on your face and more acne, also know as mascne. Here are some practical tips on how to better handle the situation! 



How to take care of Darker Skin tones

Caring for Darker Skin Tones

Darker skin often contains more melanin than lighter skin. Melanin producing cells may be more susceptible to the effects of inflammation and injury, which may be more noticeable in dark skin than in light skin. It’s not to say that darker skin is more difficult to treat, but there are certain concerns that are more frequent and more severe on darker skin and should be considered.

Establishing a good skin care routine can help keep darker skin bright, supple, and clear.

As well as performing a gentle daily routine and adopting a healthful diet, people with dark skin should aim to avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals and fragrances.

Specific skin issues, such as acne and dark spots, benefit from swift treatment and preventative techniques.

To prevent the formation and worsening of dark spots and more serious health concerns such as skin cancer, experts recommend that people of all skin complexions use sunblock with at least an SPF of 30 or higher every day.